So you’re convinced that you need to make the switch to creating products rather than selling someone else’s products. And ebooks seem simple enough to create, so you decide to write an ebook and sell it. But how do you come up with the subject of your ebook?
Your first instinct will be to write an ebook about Internet Marketing.
This is natural. After all, you’re trying to make money online, and have been investing a huge amount of time (and probably money) trying to learn how to do that. So you’re steeped in Internet Marketing lore, and have probably started to realize that much of what people do doesn’t work well. So writing an ebook that tells people what does work for you seems like a natural choice.
The problem is that there is so much information out there about Internet Marketing that prospective buyers have no way of knowing if you’re giving them good information or not. And most people are giving away ebooks to build lists, so it’s hard for someone to justify spending money on yours unless you have a track record of success (or at least the perception of a track record of success).
So, if an Internet Marketing ebook would be a hard sell, what else is there?
Let’s face it, you may be really into making money online, but you also had a life before Internet Marketing. You had hobbies, you had things you were naturally good at, other things you weren’t so good at but really interested in, etc. You may not get to do all that as much now as before, but you have all that knowledge in you.
Pick your ebook subject out of that wealth of non-Internet Marketing knowledge. If you’re an avid golfer who had a lot of trouble correcting your slice, write an ebook sharing what worked for you. If you’re a rock climber who found lots of good places to climb in Ohio, write a guide book telling others where they were.
By venturing outside the Internet Marketing world, you’re improving your odds a bit. In the Internet Marketing world, every prospective customer is also a potential competitor who is trying to sell their own ebook. Outside of that world, the vast majority of your prospective customers would never think about writing an ebook and selling it. Plus, no matter how many people want to make money online, there are still a lot more involved in any of the major hobbies.
You’ll still have to market your ebook, of course, but that’s all part of the learning curve.
Ebooks are an excellent way to get the knowledge out that you know about something. I have been an ebook author for quite some time now, and I have to say that I really love creating them.
Sure, the Internet marketing niche is a bit oversaturated, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t break into the Internet marketing nich with your ebook. You just have to be a bit creative so that you can sell it online.
You may think that everything that relates to marketing online has already been written about, but that isn’t true at all. There is plenty to say about Internet marketing and if you account for all the different experiences that people have, everyone has a different story to tell.
As for me, I love creating both executable ebooks, as well as the PDF ones. It just depends upon what type of marketing I am trying to reach that will determine what file format my book will be in.
If anyone here wants to learn more about Internet marketing, they can download my free ebook entitled, “Ebook By Blog”. Just click on the link here below to get it. It is in executable format.
Click Here To Get Ebook By Blog Now
This is a project that I have been working on for quite some time now, and I think that everyone who downloads it will enjoy it and get a lot out of it.
I made sure that there is a lot of very useful information in there, so go and get it. It is free.
Hi Donald! Everyone certainly has something different to say about Internet Marketing, but that’s part of the problem. There is no other niche in which every potential customer is also trying to sell something. Trying to market an ebook in that niche is harder than trying to market in other niches where most customers are just customers.
On the other hand, Internet Marketers are notorious for being willing to spend thousands of dollars a year for information.